


All content of this website, including text, images and music, is © Dixon Hill 2009-2012. Feel free to link to the site but, if you'd like to use anything you find here, please ask first.

Dixon Hill Girl


Hi there!  I'm Helen and I'm thrilled to welcome you to Dixon Hill.

I've always been a country girl at heart....happiest with my wellies on my feet.  But my journey has led me to take special notice of the landscape around me.

At one point in my life I was ill for ten long years with a condition which kept me housebound, bedridden and - at times - paralysed.  I didn’t lose my joy in life but my world did shrink. So I learned to notice the small stuff, take pleasure in the little things.  The room around me and the view from my window were my world.

I’m fighting fit now but still delight in the small stuff, still notice the details.  These days it’s the little things in the landscape that I walk through daily with my dog that I take note of and observe.  And record with my camera.  And write about here on my blog.

I find not only beauty but enormous wisdom in nature.  I learn about life and myself.  I gain perspective.  I connect with something bigger than me.

My life is rooted in place and season; and I share both through the workshops and classes I run from my studio.  I help folk delve into the natural environment and mix it up with some crafty stuff ('cause making things is fun).

Everything in my past feeds the work I do now....the quiet years of ill health as well as my colourful career history (I've been a BBC radio reporter, a press officer, an entertainments organiser, a tourism co-ordinator, a craft teacher, a piano teacher and a florist!).

Dixon Hill is - I think - a very special place and I'm incredibly fortunate because I get to live and work here.  Whether you're coming to a workshop or a retreat or simply visiting via the blog, I hope you'll experience a bit of the magic for yourself and will leave better able to tap into the wonder of your own surroundings.

Dixon Hill Dog

Joss is my constant companion when roaming the moors and walking the lanes of West Yorkshire.  He knows the paths better than I do and observing his experience of place enriches mine.  He's a ten year old border collie with a penchant for chasing grouse.  He's the friendliest soul in the world and would love to welcome you to Dixon Hill.  Come and meet him!

Dixon Hill Cat

Can't leave Nettle out.  He's the boss around here.  Eight years old and another super-affectionate soul - except where the local mice are concerned!